Something Only my Family would UnderstandFitting this is the topic today! Things only my family would understand? Only family would understand why I am so excited to attend a graduation ceremony today. It is an event that has been literally 8 years and thousands of dollars in the making! I actually never thought I would see this day… I don’t think the graduate thought it would ever come either! When someone you love has mental illness, you face those ups and downs too. All you can do is provide unconditional love and support, and hope for the best. Sometimes you have to prepare for the worst… and sometimes the worst happens. But other times, you keep cheering, and pushing, and one day, the clouds break, maybe even for just a few hours, but enough for the person you love to have success. For our family, that day is today! We are so proud of our graduate!
(ok- this was written WEEKS ago. There was a mix up with dates and the graduation was YESTERDAY! We had a lovely time, celebrating with family and friends! Want to know about other author’s thoughts? Lucky for you, my fabulous friends are part of this challenge too. Hop over to their blogs and/or Twitter to find out more! Gisela Grey Lisa Andrew Autumn McKayne Charlie Knight Felicity Davenport Thanks! Love, Cass What would I Invent on a deserted Island?I am not an inventor type person. I’m a crafty person. With the right supplies, maybe I could figure out a way to rescue myself. But to actually invent something? Probably not. I wouldn’t survive long anyway. I’m a red-head. I’d burn to a crisp. If I’m gonna be on a deserted island, can it be a LOST type situation, where I at least have supplies to build a little hut? Maybe have a few basic necessities, like clothes, medicines, paper and pencil? If you are expecting me to invent something to get us rescued, we are both so screwed. I’m reminded of the tumblr joke: “What would you want if you could only have one thing with you on a deserted island?” “Sam Winchester, cuz you know Dean will move heaven and hell to find him!” (Yes, I’m a Supernatural girl!) Want to know about other author’s thoughts? Lucky for you, my fabulous friends are part of this challenge too. Hop over to their blogs and/or Twitter to find out more!
Gisela Gray Lisa Andrew Autumn McKayne Charlie Knight Felicity Davenport Thanks! Love, Cass Worst Writing Advice I've ever receivedI’m actually gonna pass on this one… I don’t think the person that gave me the advice actually reads my stuff anymore, but in a circle of friends it would be really obvious who said it, so I’m just gonna plead the fifth. I don’t want to offend other mutuals because I respect and value their opinions. But I will say, I decided to ignore the advice. I may not be a ‘bestseller,’ but I have pride in my work, the appearance of my book covers, and I’m happy with the decisions I made for myself as a writer.
Want to know about other author’s thoughts? Lucky for you, my fabulous friends are part of this challenge too. Hop over to their blogs and/or Twitter to find out more! Gisela Gray Lisa Andrew Autumn McKayne Charlie Knight Felicity Davenport Thanks! Love, Cass |
AuthorJust a misplaced Southern Belle, sharing her crazy thoughts with other writer friends and readers! Archives
September 2018
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